Planning Services
Land use planning is important to ensure a balanced approach to growth management and the protection and conservation of the Counties' natural and cultural heritage, while encouraging development opportunities in a way that respects the Counties' unique character and sense of place.
The Planning Services Department of the Public Works Division provides professional land use planning advice to Council, staff, member municipalities and the public.
Other responsibilities of the Planning Services Department include:
- implementing and updating the Official Plan for the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville;
- processing applications for amendments to the Official Plan for the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville;
- approving local Official Plans and amendments to local Official Plans;
- approving plans of subdivision, plans of condominium and part lot control applications;
- administering the Consent Granting Authority (Land Division);
- conducting special studies in support of the Counties Official Plan such as Population and Employment Lands Studies;
- conducting regional studies such as a Natural Heritage Strategy;
- participating in external regional planning initiatives; and,
- providing expert testimony before the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).
Pre-consultation is encouraged before making any applications to the United Counties.
Link to current planning applications.
Counties Official Plan |
Link to our Official Plan. |
Counties Official Plan Amendments |
Please contact Planning Staff to discuss the Counties Official Plan Amendments using the contact information at the bottom of this page. |
Local Official Plan Amendments |
The first step is to preconsult with the Counties and the local municipality. This can be arranged through the local office or via the contact information at the bottom of this page. An application for amendment is filed with the local municipality, but if supported by the local level requires approval from the Counties. The following link will take you to the the form for the submission of Local Official Plans and Local Official Plan Amendments to the Counties for approval:
PDF - Application for Approval of an Adopted Local Official Plan or Official Plan Amendment |
Severances (Consents) |
Link to our consent granting page. |
Subdivisions and Condominiums |
The following links will direct you to the downloadable PDF documents for Plans of Subdivision/Condominium: PDF - A Guide to the Approval Process for Plans of Subdivision or Condominium |
Part Lot Control |
For information on and the application for part lot control exemption, please click here. |
Studies |
Aggregate Resources Master Plan - Leeds & Grenville (
Agriculture Area Review - Leeds & Grenville ( |
Contact Us