Secondary Suites Programs
The Secondary Suite funding programs are intended to increase the supply of affordable rental housing for low-income households in Leeds and Grenville. Funding in the form of a forgivable loan is available to home owners and small landlords in Leeds and Grenville to construct a secondary suite, also known as a granny suite, garden suite, or second unit. The creation of a secondary suite can also make your mortgage more affordable through the rental income received.
When considering whether to proceed with adding a secondary suite, contact your local municipal planning and building departments for information. They can tell you whether you are able to add a second unit on your property and answer questions that you may have related to local zoning, the Building Code and other by-laws.
Key Facts
- Funding is to construct a new secondary suite; the renovation of an existing secondary suite is not eligible under this program.
- Funding is provided to the property owner in the form of a forgivable loan.
- During the loan forgiveness period the property owner must not charge more than the maximum Affordable rent (as determined annually by the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville). See program documents for further details on other requirements during the loan forgiveness period.
- Renters are selected by the property owner and must meet program eligibility criteria, such as having income and assets below set limits. The renter can be a relative, such as an elderly parent or adult child.
For program information or inquiries about funding, contact 613-342-3840, or 1-800-267-8146, ext. 2401.
Applications for private homeowners and small landlords are now available by following the links below.
Program Funding Update
The Homeowner Secondary Suite Funding has been exhausted for 2024. Please check with the Social Housing Registry at the phone number provided above in March 2025 for a funding update.
Funding is still available for the Leeds and Grenville Landlord Secondary Suite Program at this time.
Secondary Suites Programs:
Other Resources
Add a Second Unit in Your Home document
Public Information Sessions
Learn about your local planning and building information processes, and funding programs available to construct an Additional Residential Unit or Tiny Home. These information sessions are intended to provide general information for local residents, landlords, and land developers interested in building an Additional Residential Unit (ARU), accessory residential unit or garden suite, or a tiny home either for personal use or to be rented to a tenant.
Upcoming Information Sessions
Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at Fire Station One, 1022 County Road 15, Maitland at 5:30 p.m. This session will include information from municipal building officials from the Township of Augusta, Township of Edwardsburgh-Cardinal, Town of Prescott, and the Affordable Housing Coordinator from the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. This session will be live-streamed and recorded. You can join on the date and time indicated above by following this link:
Registration is required to attend in-person. Further information.
Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at the North Grenville Municipal Center, Kemptville at 5:30 p.m. This session will include information from municipal building officials from the Municipality of North Grenville, and the Affordable Housing Coordinator from the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. This session will be live-streamed; access information will be provided closer to the date.
Registration is required to attend in-person. Further information.
View the presentation and video of the live stream from the November 28, 2023 Information Session in Prescott.
Contact us to be notified about future information sessions by emailing Tammy Herbison, or by calling 613-342-3840, or 1-800-267-8146, ext. 2122. Please include what municipality you are interested in building in, as the location of future information sessions will be determined based upon interest.
Contact Us