Homelessness Prevention Benefit
The Homelessness Prevention Benefit (HPB) is for low-income households in Leeds and Grenville to assist with obtaining or maintaining their housing. Eligible households may receive assistance with:
- Housing Start-up: Last months’ rent, utility fees (including arrears), and moving costs.
- Rent arrears.
- Utility arrears including gas, propane, oil, alternative sources of heat (e.g. wood) electricity, and water arrears are eligible utilities for assistance.
Before applying for the HPB, households must first access all other available resources, such as:
- exploring other options such as negotiating a repayment agreement for arrears owed.
Other eligibility criteria apply. For more information about the Homelessness Prevention Benefit, please contact:
The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville
Community and Social Services Division
25 Central Avenue West, Suite 200
Brockville, ON K6V 4N6
613-342-3840 or 1-800-267-8146 extension 2333
A fact sheet and application form for the Homelessness Prevention Benefit is available on our Homelessness Forms page.
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