Water and waste water rates vary depending on which city, town or township you are living in within Leeds Grenville. Electricity, natural gas, and broadband networks are available in most areas. For more information on rates and availability visit the Invest [insert a link to Invest/Business Profile/Utilities] site for more information. Some information on electricity and natural gas is below.
Electrical power is produced by Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and sold at wholesale rates to the Public Utilities Commissions of the Area Municipalities, which then distributes it to urban consumers at retail rates.
Costs of electrical power in Ontario are low by international standards and special rates are available for large industrial users. The Regulated Price Plan (RPP) Time-of-Use (TOU) Prices are in effect. Prices are subject to change every six months. See the chart on the Electrical Services page. Weekends and holidays are off-peak during both the winter and summer periods.
Natural gas, originating in western Canada and transported via Trans Canada Pipe Lines Limited, is in plentiful supply and is distributed to homes and industries in the region by Enbridge Consumers Gas.
Oil and gasoline supplies also originate in western Canada, and are piped by Shell Canada Limited and B.P. Canada to the Region or are delivered by Great Lakes tankers from the Imperial Oil refinery at Sarnia, on Lake Huron.
See the links at left for more information on each type of utility.
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