Ontario Works
Apply for Ontario Works Online
Types of Assistance
Financial Assistance
Ontario Works helps people with basic needs, shelter and other expenses (e.g. drug and dental coverage). Ontario Works also supports your efforts to find work.
Emergency Assistance
Emergency Assistance helps people who are in a crisis or who have experienced an emergency, such as a flood or a fire, or who are concerned for their safety. Emergency assistance is a temporary, two-week period of financial assistance.
Temporary Care Assistance
Temporary Care Assistance helps temporary caregivers of children who are under the age of 18 who are not living with their parents.
Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP) Program
If you are a young parent, the LEAP program helps you get your high school diploma and learn more about job skills and parenting.
Eligibility |
You need to meet these four conditions to be eligible for Ontario Works:
Applying for Social Assistance |
There are three ways you can apply for Ontario Works, the Ontario Disability Support Program, and Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities. By PhoneCall the provincial Intake and Benefits Administration Unit at 1-888-999-1142 to complete your application by phone. This service is available 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. This process takes approximately one hour to complete. If you are under the age of 18, need a Trustee or seeking short-term one-time emergency assistance, please call the local office at 613-342-3840 ext. 2129. Toll Free: 1-800-267-8146 In PersonOnlineVisit Ontario.ca/page/social-assistance to apply. Before you start your application, you should have these items ready:
The Document Checklist may help you in gathering the information you need to answer questions on the application. |
Your Rights and Responsibilities |
Your Rights: As an applicant for Ontario Works, you have the right to:
Your Responsibilities: To stay eligible for Ontario Works, you are expected:
What you will receive |
If you are eligible, you may receive a monthly amount for your basic needs and shelter costs. You may also receive assistance for costs related to health, training, finding work, etc. Ontario Works payments will be deposited directly into your bank account. You will be notified of the payment either by mail or electronically. |
Reporting Income |
Once you are eligible, you will need to report any income or money you get each month. You do not have to declare child tax credit, GST, or income-tax rebates. You will need to report your income by the 16th day of each month. If you do not report your income by that date there may be a delay in your Ontario Works payment. Your Case Manager will go over how to report your income. |
Participation |
You, your spouse/partner, and any adults living with you who are 18 years and older must take part in work-related activities to stay eligible for Ontario Works. Activities are based on your skills and goals. This is not required for Emergency Assistance or Temporary Care Assistance. You agree upon the activities and how much you participate with your Case Manager. Activities may include:
You will need to sign a Participation Agreement to stay eligible. This is a plan to help you reach your job goals, and includes work-related activities you agree upon with your Case Manager. There are some exceptions for participation. Please talk to your Case Manager if you feel you cannot take part in activities. |
Failure to Comply |
If you, your spouse, or dependent adult does not meet a condition of eligibility, your assistance may be suspended, reduced or cancelled. You have the right to appeal any decision that suspends, reduces or cancels your assistance. |
Appealing a decision |
If you no not agree with a decision to deny, suspend, cancel, or change your assistance, you have 30 days to ask for a review of the decision. All reviews are completed by someone that was not involved in the original decision. The request must be in writing and provided to the Ontario Works office. There is a form available at all offices, or you may simply write a letter saying you wish to appeal a decision. Written requests may be handed in to any of our offices, or mailed to: 25 Central Ave. W, Suite 200, Brockville ON, K6V 4N6 The review will be completed within 30 business days. You will receive notice of the review decision in writing. The review decision may confirm, change, or reverse the original decision. If you do not agree with the review decision Some review decisions can be appealed to the Social Benefits Tribunal. This is an independent group chosen by the provincial government. If you do not agree with the review decision, you can appeal within 30 days. Before items can be appealed to the Social Benefits Tribunal, you must have had a review completed by our office. Only decisions about the following can be appealed to the Social Benefit Tribunal:
Application forms are available at your local office or at the Social Benefits Tribunal website. Mail completed forms to: Social Benefits Tribunal A review decision for a Discretionary Benefit is final and cannot be appealed to the Social Benefits Tribunal. |
Reporting Welfare Fraud |
While most Ontario Works recipients truly need the benefits and supports provided by the program, there are some cases of dishonest access to social assistance programs. If you suspect Welfare Fraud, you can report it in any of the following ways: Email: welfare.fraud.css@ontario.ca Phone: 1-800-394-7867 Fax: 1-866-681-3154 Mail to: Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services OR Community and Social Services, Please note that staff cannot talk about the details of a fraud investigation with the person who filed the complaint. |
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