Resident Council
Any resident of Maple View Lodge may become a member of Resident Council and all residents are invited to join the council meetings.
Resident Council of Maple View Lodge remains a member in good standing with the Ontario Association of Resident’s Council (OARC). OARC is a non-profit association providing a network to strengthen the voice of residents living in long-term care through their respective Residents’ Councils. Meetings are held on a bi-monthly basis or more frequently as requested by the council. Dates, times and locations are announced overhead the morning of the meeting, posted on the monthly recreation activity calendars and area shared on each Resident Home Area’s activity board to ensure robust communication, representation and attendance.
Residents’ Council is an independent self-determining group consisting solely of residents of a long-term care home. Guests may attend the meeting at the request and approval of the residents. The council is supported by our Resident Services Supervisor who acts as the Residents’ Council Assistant. All leadership team members attend for a portion of the meeting to ensure residents have the opportunity to provide advice and recommendations to the licensee. This may include recommendations to improve care or the quality of life in the home ensuring a person-centered experience.
Residents are given the opportunity to formally express their wishes and concerns. Any suggestions, concerns, compliments or complaints are printed in the minutes of the meeting and directed to the appropriate department for action and follow-up. A response to all suggestions or complaints will be given to the Residents within ten (10) business days, as per Legislation.
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