Hot Weather and Cooling
Maple View Lodge Cooling and Air Temperature Requirements
Maple View Lodge meets the Ministry of Long-Term Cares' cooling and air temperature requirements maintaining the minimum temperature of 22°C, year-round.
As part of the requirements under the FLTCA and O. Reg 246/22, all resident rooms are served by air conditioning and the first floor temperatures are maintained within the Ministry regulated guidelines using our building automation system. The home has installed temperature and humidity sensors to monitor and capture the required data at which is saved electronically for a minimum of one year. The home has several large spaces with air conditioning that can become designated cooling areas should one of the air conditioners fail within the Resident care areas.
The home has a policy and process for any day the indoor or outdoor temp reaches 26°C (as per Environment & Climate Change Canada’s forecast).
The decision to use any type of fan will be made on a case-by-case basis in consult with the Homes infection prevention and control lead.
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