The Friends of Limerick Forest
Limerick Forest is a 6092-hectare community forest located in eastern Ontario, owned and managed by the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville (UCLG). Limerick Forest was established in 1940 when the province and the UCLG became partners in the Agreement Forest Program for the management of abandoned land owned by the Counties. At its height, there were over 120,000 ha of forest cover in southern Ontario under management via this program. The program eventually ended in 1995.
The UCLG assumed full responsibility for the management of Limerick Forest in April of 2001. In June of the same year, with the assistance of the Grenville Land Stewardship Council (GLSC), the Limerick Forest Advisory Committee (LFAC) was formed with the objective of advising the Counties on the management of Limerick Forest. This group of community volunteers interested in the management and well-being of Limerick Forest were instrumental in the development of the Limerick Forest Long Range Plan (LFLRP) and the Twenty Year Forest Management Plan (FMP).
The LFAC group, having fulfilled its original objective evolved into a new group with a new mandate, called the "Friends of Limerick Forest" (FoL). Created in July 2008, like its predecessor, the FoL is comprised of hard working volunteers interested in the sustainable management of Limerick Forest. The mandate of the new group emphasizes more active, "hands-on" projects in support of the FMP. Two members of Counties Council also participate on the FoL committee providing corporate input as well as valuable advice and support.
As with most volunteer groups, the FoL volunteers participate for many different reasons, but they all share a common interest in the forest and the desire to ensure it remains on the landscape in some form, in perpetuity. The FoL volunteers bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table as they represent many different forest user groups. This forum for input and discussion provides valuable perspective when planning the implementation of projects in support of the FMP. Although responsibility for the management of the program lies with Counties staff, many of the projects completed over the years would not have been possible without the assistance of the FoL volunteers or partnerships made with some of the organizations that they represent.
The FoL meet approximately six times per year, including one or two outside activities such as a work party or the hosting of a public event. If you are interested in joining the FoL or participating in a specific way, please contact the Forest Manager for the date of the next meeting.
Recent notable accomplishments completed with assistance from the FoL include the following:
- Annual Winter Doors Open held each March; FoL volunteers host and act as guides for the day; annual attendance averages ~475 people from the community
- Fall Open House – held every five years to celebrate significant anniversary dates of Limerick, i.e., 75th anniversary in 2015; free BBQ, horse and wagon rides, displays and exhibits; attendance averages >500 people
- Construction of 3 wildlife viewing platforms in Limerick North and South
- Replacement of the 100m Chalet Loop boardwalk
- Assisted with the establishment of the Chalet Loop X-Country ski trail
- Annual Songbird Surveys
- Cleaning, organizing and display of the Bruce Turner egg collection located in the Limerick Forest Interpretive Centre
- Cleaning and excavation of old homestead ruins
- Annual Wood Duck nesting box inspections
- Pre-harvest “Values” inspections
- Spring and fall trail inspections as per minimum trail maintenance standards
- Assistance with annual fall horse-back poker run to raise funds for local charities
- Writing of documents such as The History of Limerick and The Nature of Limerick
- Writing content for interpretive trail signage
- Graphic design and marketing assistance
- Assistance with FMP and 5 Year Operating Plan updates and management prescriptions
- Partnership between the Counties and the Bytown Motorcycle Association (BMA) and the Ontario Federation of Trail Riders (OFTR) for the 2009 and 2014 National Trails Coalition (NTC) funding programs; resulted in grants of $207,000 being put towards the construction of the Limerick Forest Interpretive Centre and the maintenance of trails in Limerick Forest; this partnership was developed via FoL members who also belonged to the BMA
- Canadian Off-Highway Vehicle (COHV) funding – partnership with the BMA for funding for maintenance of trails in Limerick South (~$7000)
- Ontario Federation of Trail Riders and Ontario Federation ATV Clubs “Motorized Agreements”
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