The Housing Department is responsible for administration and oversight of the following:
Property management and administration of more than 670 public housing units;
Rent supplement programs that provide additional rent-geared-to-income units through private landlords;
Eight non-profit and one co-operative housing providers;
Affordable housing projects located in Elgin, Oxford Mills and Prescott;
Investment in Affordable Housing for Ontario (IAH) programs including Housing Allowance, Ontario Renovates and Homeownership;
The Homelessness Prevention Benefit provides assistance to individuals and families at risk of homelessness.
Additionally, the department is also responsible for the administration of the Homeownership Program, Ontario Renovates, Housing Allowance, Homelessness Prevention and Service Manager Administration for public housing, non-profit housing, affordable housing and co-operative housing
The Social Housing Registrychecks applications for subsidized housing and maintains the waiting list.
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