Committee of the Whole
The Committee of the Whole is comprised of all members of Counties Council who fully participate in debate and forward recommendations to Council for final decision. The Committee facilitates the decision-making process of Council and is an important forum for policy debate.
Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole relate to various issues including governance, Public Works, Economic Development, budgets and finance and policy development. Issues related to such services as Ontario Works, Social Housing, Child Care, Land Ambulance and Provincial Offences Act administration are typically not debated by the Committee of the Whole as these are generally the responsibility of the Joint Services Committee.
The Committee of the Whole meets on the Wednesday during the first full week of the month in the Council Chambers at 9:00 a.m. Agendas and Minutes are available and meeting dates are included in the Council Calendar or by visiting our Agendas, Minutes and Videos page.
For more information concerning any matters appearing on an agenda, please contact the Clerk's Department.
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