Chief Administrative Officer
The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is the senior municipal staff member who assists Council with advice and provides the overall direction to staff. The CAO leads a team of four Directors as the senior management team.
The key responsibilities of the CAO include:
- Coordinating all Counties Divisions to ensure the efficient implementation of Council policies and directives
- Investigating, researching, and preparing, either directly or through delegation, information for the development of Council policies
- Providing advice and recommendations to Counties Council on issues that affect the municipality
- Providing direction for the strategic planning of the annual and long-range budgets and financial plans
- Providing administrative leadership to and for the Counties
- Recommending to Council improvements in administration and service delivery
- Ensuring the development and administration of personnel policies including the implementation of statutory rules and regulations
- Ensuring the effective and efficient training of Counties staff
- Recruiting high quality staff in accordance with the human resources policies of the Counties
- Acts as major spokesperson in regard to public relations and information of a general nature
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