Asset Management
Historic Lyndhurst Bridge
2022 UCLG AMP - Final Report Accessible
This asset management plan was developed in alignment with the Counties’ Strategic Asset Management Policy (By-Law No. 18-63).
The purpose of the policy is to formalize the Counties’ commitment to asset management by aligning asset management principles with the Counties strategic goals and objectives.
Consistent standards and guidelines for management of the County’s assets applying sound technical, social and economic principles that consider present and future needs of users, and the service expected from the assets. This means leveraging the lowest lifecycle cost of ownership with regard to the service levels that best meet the needs of the community while being cognizant of the risk of failure that is acceptable.
Within the policy the County states the importance of strategic alignment with other planning documents at the County, namely a Strategic Plan, a Financial Plan, the Community Plan, the Sustainable Development Plan, the Climate Change Plan, an Official Plan, an Emergency Response Plan, and an Asset Management Plan. These plans were designed to meet the legislative requirements and work together to achieve the County’s mission of providing innovation and excellence in service delivery. These plans will be reviewed regularly by staff and annual spending requirements in support of the plans’ objectives will be incorporated into the budgeting process. All of the County’s plans rely to some extent on the physical assets owned by the County and the commitment of staff to ensure their strategic use. This includes the long-term maintenance, repair, and replacement of existing assets along with the acquisition of new assets to meet the evolving needs in the County.
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